Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hi: we need your help in Wikipedia.
They say that the final users (you all drummers) must to write/tell all the world trough Wikipedia about Cymbag and it´s product
They are just about to erase us, because they say we need to be support by final and unknown users to Cymbag, not close friends
Here is the link:
Please, go Wikipedia and write about Cymbag... anything you want, whatever you feel about this product, this company. Change it, transform it. This is the chance to make the difference
Thanks a lot guys
Hola: necesitamos su ayuda en Wikipedia.
Nos estan diciendo que es el usuario final (todos ustedes) es quien debe decir/escrbir acerca de Cymbag en Wikipedia
Estan a punto de borrarnos porque dicen que no debe ser amigos los que creen modifiquen Wikipedia, que deben ser desconocidos.
Por favor, vayan a wikipedia y escriban lo que quieran, lo que sientan acerca de este producto, de esta compañía. Cámbienlo, tranfórmenlo... Ustedes pueden hacer la diferencia
Aqui esta el link
Gracias a todos

For further information about cymbal protectors go to www.cymbag.com

Cymbag Staff

Protecting your sound

Become a friend of Cymbag
Cymbag´s FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/cymbag
Cymbag´s MySpace http://www.myspace.com/cymbag
Cymbag´s Twitter http://www.twitter.com/cymbag

Cymbag´s official site www.cymbag.com

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Now you can buy Cymbags

Hi you all
Now you can buy in our website...
Visit the catalog http://www.cymbag.com/index.php?content=home
It´s really easy and if you already buy something using PayPal you will understand me.
If you are not, it´s pretty easy to use, just follow the steps.

For further information about cymbal protectors go to www.cymbag.com

Cymbag Staff

Protecting your sound

Become a friend of Cymbag
FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=profile&id=100000284072926
MySpace http://www.myspace.com/cymbag
Twitter http://www.twitter.com/cymbag

Always visit the official site www.cymbag.com

Friday, December 18, 2009

Thank you all - Cymbag Team

This is it.
We are just about finishing and we are proud of what we have done.
It´s great all the support that all of you people, friends, are gave and still giving us.
We just want to say that, Thank you all.

We will see you at NAMM, January 2010.
It´s really gonna be awsome, believe me.

We feel it

For further information about cymbal protectors go to www.cymbag.com

Cymbag Staff

Protecting your sound

Already check the video of Bugs? If you´re not, check this link

Go to the official website, you can buy Cymbags now

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thanks all musicians and crew for believe in Cymbag. We are kicking our expectations very fast and beyond. Hell yeah!

Have you ever seen the realeased videos?

Check it out

For further information about cymbal protectors go to www.cymbag.com

Cymbag Staff

Protecting your sound

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Exito en el drumfest laguna 09

No deben de saber ni yo debo de decirles, pero el mundillo de los tracos quedo fascinados... dicen por ahi que se fueron de espaldas al ver el producto... cada quien tiene que checarlo, pero lo que si les digo es que el stadn estuvo lleno

Vean mi galeria de fotos ...

Para mas información acerca de como proteger tus platillos visita la página oficial de Cymbag www.cymbag.com

Cymbag Staff

Protecting your sound

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Drumfest Laguna 2009

Hola a todos
Les invitamos hoy sabado y mañana domingo al drumfest laguna 2009 en el teatro Nazas, en Torreón, Coahuila.
Estarán bateristas de talla internacional

Mas información acerca de como proteger tus platillos en el web site oficial de Cymbag http://www.cymbag.com/

Protecting your sound